This event aligns with the Personal, Professional and Organizational Application of ATD's Talent Development Capability Model.
Virtual learning no longer needs to mean flat or far-removed from reality. Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Metaverse technologies open up many opportunities for virtual immersive learning to develop leadership skills. In this session, you’ll experience how these technologies can be applied to leadership education and training, and you’ll see currently in-use applications on the following platforms: ENGAGE, Spatial VR, Alt Space VR, 360-degree videos, and Moth and Flame. You’ll gain an understanding of the seven layers of the metaverse, with examples for each layer. Here’s your opportunity to see the possibilities of the Metaverse and begin to think about how you could expand your leadership development opportunities with immersive learning in the Metaverse.
Speakers: Dr. Andy Clayton and Cody Caddell
Dr. Clayton serves as an Assistant Professor of Leadership for the Leadership and Innovation Institute at Air University (AU), Maxwell AFB, AL. Dr Clayton teaches the application of leadership across multiple colleges and schools for Air University. Additionally, Dr. Clayton advises and works with several research groups focusing on the human domain in areas of emotional intelligence, empathy, resilience, and diversity, equity, and inclusion. Dr Clayton is also the Director for Immersive Learning and Simulations (ILS) Research Task Force (RTF) for Air University. In this position he teaches the application of immersive technology such as virtual and augmented reality as well as application of immersive technology for Air University courses and operational use of immersive technology across the Air Force. Dr. Clayton is a Lt Col and Reservist in the United States Air Force where he has served in various positions such as the Division Chief for Guard/Reserve Affairs and Academic Advisor to the Vice-Dean of Squadron Officer College, Deputy Director of Training for Squadron Officer College, Academic Advisor to the Dean of Academic Affairs for Squadron Officer School, and Assistant Professor at Air Command and Staff College.
Dr. Clayton is a 1999 graduate of Purdue University and earned his commission through the Reserve Officer Training Corps. He served as a Maintenance Officer for 5 years in the Air Force before joining the Air Force Reserves as an Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA) for Air University.
Dr. Clayton earned his Master of Science in Adult Education & Training from University of Phoenix. He earned his Doctorate of Education in Organizational Leadership from Grand Canyon University.
Cody Caddell, Director of Digital Transformation, C2 Technologies, Inc., leads the transformation of training and education from traditional formats to eLearning platforms, automating business processes using RPA and Bots, leveraging immersive environments, and integrating digital technology into all areas of a business to enhance how companies operate and how they deliver value to customers.
Mr. Caddell is involved in all aspects of program design, development, and production. He is well-versed in the learning design and development process and the ever-changing standards (SCORM, AICC, Section 508) and technology. He has worked with many federal agencies as Program Manager, including FDIC, OPM, USAF, BOP/NIC, CDC, FAA, FEMA, and USCIS, and with corporate clientele.
Mr. Caddell has over 20 years of professional experience in course production and Information Technology (IT) application development. In addition to his management skills, he possesses knowledge of various computer-based applications, such as networking, troubleshooting, and digital communications. His studies in Management Information Systems, coupled with his service to diverse corporate clientele, equip Mr. Caddell for a wide range of roles and responsibilities in developing and maintaining workforce training technology. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Communications from the University of Oklahoma.
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