April ATD Dinner Meeting - Visual Explanations: How to Describe and Clarify With Graphics

  • 16 Apr 2015
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Maggiano's, 2001 International Drive, McLean, VA 22102


  • Remember to sign in to receive the discounted member registration price.
Visual Explanations: How to Describe and Clarify With Graphics

People are wired to understand visuals. Research shows that when you use relevant graphics to explain, clarify, and enhance content, it typically improves learning. In this session, we will explore the most effective graphics to use for various types of content. Then the speaker will discuss design tips for each format, showing what enhances the message and what obscures it. 

These techniques will make you more conscious of how to design with intention, so that your graphics are understood accurately and are aesthetically pleasing.

After attending the session, you should be able to:

  • Determine the most effective graphics to use for telling a story.
  • Design or select graphics that explain concepts and systems.
  • Design or select graphics that explain data and numerical information so learners can make accurate judgments. 

Connie Malamed is the author of Visual Design Solutions, a new book teaching visual design to instructional designers, educators and trainers. She is also the author of Visual Language for Designers, The eLearning Coach website and the mobile app, Instructional Design Guru. Connie works as a learning strategy consultant and has been in the industry for 20+ years. She produces The eLearning Coach podcast, which presents valuable interviews, ideas and strategies for learning professionals. You can connect with Connie on Twitter @elearningcoach.

Dinner will be served.  Contact admin@dcatd.org for questions.


The April Dinner Program is sponsored by Instructure

Special Accommodations

If you have dietary or accessibility restrictions, please email admin@dcatd.org early so that we can make every effort to accommodate your needs.

Cancellation Policy

Metro DC ATD will refund your registration fee when cancelled by the end of the "Early Bird" registration window. Cancellations after this time will not be refunded.