Federal SIG: Addressing Stress in the Workplace and Your Personal Life Through Fitness and Wellness

  • 25 May 2011
  • 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics, First Street Exit across from Union Station (Metro Access: Union Station Red Line)


Registration is closed
Please join us for an invigorating discussion of how you and your organization can design activities and programs to change behaviors to effectively address stress and to promote healthy lifestyles. Our expert speaker is Cindy Pavell, M.S. in Exercise Science and Health and an Adjunct Professor of Health at George Mason University. Ms. Pavell is a fitness consultant for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, organizations, and individuals. Please see her website at: www.fitnesspluswellness.com.

Please RSVP to Jack Malgeri at jrmalgeri@aim.com. Please provide your organization and telephone number in the e-mail for purposes of building security.