Metro DC Chapter ATD Free Agent CoP: Five Money Questions

  • 10 Sep 2019
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • George Mason University Arlington Campus, Van Metre Hall, 3351 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA
  • 24


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This educational program discusses a process you can use to identify your financial goals and set a strategy. There are some unique challenges and opportunities that you face when it comes to investing. I’ll share the five questions you should ask yourself so you can feel better about your financial direction. 

Laura Nash is a working girl, having held a variety of positions since high school. She has worked in the public and private sector in consulting, sales and management. Being an entrepreneur at her core, she left the government and bought a business; built it back up and sold it. Laura became a Financial Advisor because she wanted to create an environment where women can learn about investing so they feel more confident about their future. Laura has a Bachelor’s degree and MBA from George Washington University.