Employee Learning Week: Seven Emotions Every Employer Wants and Every Employee Needs

  • 06 Dec 2012
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar


This webinar is full.


Consider the traditional formula for career and leadership success as cognitive intelligence, an analytical, detached decision style, often at people and not with people. Most important, you did not show emotional sensitivity, you were not transparent so people knew what you really meant and you did not focus on understanding others first to build rapport. However, to achieve great and meaningful careers requires SMARTER Skills and SMARTER Emotions!


The SMARTER skills of social and emotional intelligence are the ability to intentionally understand and manage social interactions and our emotional impact skillfully. The key word in the above sentence is “intentionality”. Working smarter is intentionally being aware of the impact you are having on others and adjusting your style to get the best results with people and not through people.


During this program you learn about the research that led to seven SMARTER Positive Emotions Every Employer Wants and Every Employee Needs.  You will gain skills to train the brain for more "AHa" moments to evolve your career, and less "Oh No" moments that de- rail your career.   You will receive a free SMARTER Emotions assessment and several techniques to move from smart to SMARTER.



 About the presenter

With over twenty five years of accomplished human resource and leadership development experience, Cynthia is a coach, consultant and trainer for very smart people, leaders and teams. She is author of Smart2Smarter-, along with several coaching certification programs focused on Social and Emotional Intelligence.


With a Masters in Counseling, advanced studies in organizational psychology, along with advanced credentials as a Board Certified Coach, Master Certified Counselor and Certified Leadership and Talent Management Coach, Cynthia’s passion is to inspire leaders and workplaces to use social and emotional intelligence to make smarter career and leadership connections. Additionally, as a career development expert and author of over ten career assessment tools, Cynthia works with clients to help them define how they will be successful (best in the world) and significant ( best for the world) throughout their career.


She is a skilled facilitator and is qualified as a Level C assessment provider, where she is an expert on the MBTI©, FIRO-B©, Conflict Dynamics Profile, EQ-1 2.0, Strong Interest Inventory, Occupational Personality Questionnaire© and AAI Coaching Winners 360 leadership tools. She is certified to use both NetSpeed and Developmental Dimensions leadership programs. Additionally, Cynthia is qualified to use the Work Profiling System, a job analysis process that creates the ideal job description and then, identifies assessment tools or methods for selection and professional development.